the pipe operator

the pipe operator

Learning to do it the functional way

20 Feb 2021

Basic Data Types and Operations in Elixir

Written by: John Hidey

Elixir’s core datatypes are much like that of any other language. It has Integers, Floats, Strings, and Booleans just like most languages. It also has Atoms, Lists, Tuples, and a few others of which we’ll take a look at here in this article.

Let’s get started by starting iex and looking at some of these datatypes. If you have Elixir installed, you can start iex in a terminal by typing iex and hitting enter. You will then have a terminal which more or less looks like the below.



Let’s start by looking at numbers, more specifically Integers and Floats. Numbers support the expected operations like +, -, *, and /. Trying a few below we see that Integers used with +, -, and * return integers just as expected, but when used with /, a float is returned. Elixir always returns floats for the / operation.

iex> 6 + 2
iex> 6 - 2
iex> 6 * 2
iex> 6 / 2

For integer division, you will need to use the div function. The div function will always return just the integer part of the division. If you are interested in the remainder, use the rem function.

iex> div(6, 2)
iex> rem(6, 2)
iex> rem(6, 4)


Elixir strings are always delimited by double quotes and are encoded as UTF-8.

iex> "Hello, Welcome to Elixir"  
"Hello, Welcome to Elixir"

String concatenation in Elixir is not done with the + operator, but rather the <> operator. Let’s look at an example.

iex> "Hello " <> "World"
"Hello World"
iex> "Hello" <> " " <> "World"
"Hello World"

You can also combine strings using interpolation in Elixir using the #{} syntax within a string.

iex> world = "World"
iex> "Hello #{world}"
"Hello World"


Atoms are basically a constant whose value is the text of the atom. Atoms are used to specify the type/behavior of some other type.

iex> :ok
iex> {:ok, 12}
{:ok, 12}
iex> {:error, "Something went wrong"}
{:error, "Something went wrong"}

In the example above, an atom could be used to return the state of a return value like a successful return of {:ok, 12} or an unsuccessful return of {:error, "Something went wrong"}.


Elixir has booleans for true and false. One interesting thing about booleans in Elixir is that they are actually atoms. The atom :true is equal to the boolean true. Below will show this and hopefully make it easier to understand.

iex> true
iex> :true
iex> true == :true
iex> not :true


List in Elixir use [] to denote them. It is important to note that they are not arrays. In fact, they are implemented internally as linked lists. The list can be of any type and can have many types in the same list. One other important thing to note about list and all of Elixir for that matter is that list is immutable. Any operation on a list will never modify the list, but instead return a new list.

iex> [1,2,3]
[1, 2, 3]
iex> list = [1,2,3]
[1, 2, 3]
iex> hd(list)
iex> tl(list)
[2, 3]
iex> list
[1, 2, 3]
iex> list ++ [4,5]
[1, 2, 3, 4 ,5]
iex> list
[1, 2, 3]
iex> list -- [2]
[1, 3]


Tuples are like lists in the sense that they can hold a value of any type. A Tuples’ elements are stored in contigeous memory making it very easy and fast to lookup the value of a given element by index.

iex> tuple = {:ok, "Hello World"}
{:ok, "Hello World"}
iex> elem(tuple, 1)
"Hello World"

Tuples are often used where an atom is the first element of the tuple and state type/behavior.

iex> {:status, :success}
{:status, :success}
iex> {:error, "Something went wrong"}
{:error, "Something went wrong"}


After looking at some of the datatypes in Elixir, you can see that it isn’t much different in it’s datatype support than any other language you are familiar with.

In the next post, we’ll have a brief look at pattern matching and the match operator in Elixir.